Eating too much chicken side effects and Prevention – Rahul remedies

Eating too much chicken side effects;-Chicken is not dangerous for our health but how people grow them is our concern. In today’s world, chickens are force-fed antibiotics to gain weight very fast for more profit. They are not fed hormones as these are quite expensive. Then these antibiotics directly affect children and adults. We should add good greens and vegetables to our diet with chicken.

1. Can cause cholesterol

Eating too much chicken side effects and preventions
1. Can cause cholesterol

Animal-based products such as chicken and other meat add cholesterol to blood. Let us talk about how chicken is bad for cholesterol. Chicken contains low-density cholesterol which is bad and can cause cardiovascular disease. Now with new research proves that high consumption of the saturated fat that is present in chicken can increase the low-density cholesterol level.

The cooking method of chicken also adds lots of extra saturated fat. If your trying to control your cholesterol then chicken is bad for it. If you eat red and white meat record how much-saturated fat is in the diet, and raise the level of bad cholesterol is about the same amount. So, plant-based protein is better than animal-based protein.

2. Not safe

Eating too much chicken side effects and preventions
2. Not safe

There are some problems associated with eating non-veg food. Some research says chickens are filled with antibiotics and artificial chemicals which only help them to grow faster within 45 days. A recent study says eating chicken thrice a week is equal to taking three antibiotic injections. Poultry farms feed them high vitamins and minerals so that they grow faster which economically may not be the correct approach. And, because of this accelerated growth, there are no nutrients in the protein it’s just chicken. The chemicals present in chickens destroy the sperm count in males.


Chicken also contains lots of bacteria, in fact, 97% of chicken contains bacteria that will make you sick. Getting fresh and hygienic chicken is very important. Chicken also contains a high level of sodium which if you take more than enough could lead to high blood pressure.

3. Cause cancer

Eating too much chicken side effects and preventions
3. Cause cancer

Some of the research says chicken can cause cancer in human beings. When we cook chicken, then the chemicals which develop in it can cause cancer. These chemicals contain arsenic which can cause cancer and skin lesions. Arsenic is extremely toxic to the human body and it also causes cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In the highly industrial process of slaughtering and preparing, some very low levels of arsenic may arise up which directly affect our bodies.

Eating chicken has a variety of health benefits. Depending on the type of chicken, how to cook, and which parts you eat. People with kidney problems, chronic heart disease, and dyslipidemia should avoid chicken intake.

4. Experience nutrient deficiency

Eating too much chicken side effects and preventions
4. Experience nutrient deficiency

All these animal meat products contain saturated fat which leads to belly fat. Excess protein intake can damage the internal part of your body. High protein intake restricts our carbohydrates and other nutrients. If our diet contains mostly animal protein and no fiber can cause constipation.


Digested protein releases acid into the blood then our body uses calcium to neutralize the acid. Some research says too much protein intake could leach calcium from your bones. It is important to take a balanced diet.

5. Food Poisoning

Eating too much chicken side effects and preventions
5. Food Poisoning

The symptoms of food poisoning from chicken are generally detected within 6-7 days, bacteria usually found in uncooked chicken meat cause poisoning. Eating uncooked chicken may lead to food poisoning. If you experience stomach pain, headache or diarrhea, and fever after eating uncooked meat then be immediately concerned with the doctor.

If you eat raw chicken even in a small amount can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. the food and drug administration(FDA) recommends that we should cook poultry food until it has an internal temperature of at least 165°F

Important instructions:-

  1. Cook your animal meat at least 165°F to kill all the bacteria and germs.
  2. Don’t eat raw chicken.
  3. Add some fruits and vegetables to your diet with chicken.
  4. Make sure your chicken is fresh and chemical-free.

6. Weight gain

Eating too much chicken side effects and preventions
6. Weight gain

We know chicken contains a high amount of protein. Protein plays an important role in our body for energy or building tissues. when you consume a high amount of protein then you actually consume extra fat and calories that will definitely lead to weight gain. Excess amounts of protein in our body stored as fat. So, eating too much chicken can unbalance your weight.

To balance your weight make your plate 1/4 with fruits and 1/4 with vegetables,1/4 with protein, 1/4 with grains, and also add any dairy product. Make your diet balanced and eat 1/2 ounce of lean meat.

How much protein will you get ??

500g breast120-150g

When you are on the meat market then take a packet of chicken and look at the backside for the nutrition or protein values. Breast chicken meat has more protein than chicken thigh meat. It depends on where it comes from.

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